"Reading" status doesn’t register until switching to "Completed" first
harmtemolder opened this issue · 0 comments
(Copied from #4 on sourcehut.)
I was playing around with it and I noticed that for the Reading Status column, it gets populated with both "complete" and "abandoned", but somehow "reading" doesn't seem to pop up. I tried going forward/backwards a few pages/chapters, connect/run sync/disconnect a few times from Calibre, but nothing happens. But if I go into the book in my Kobo and change the status from "Reading" to "Finished" and back to "Reading", when I next connect to Calibre and run the sync, "reading" pops up properly in the Reading Status column. Am I missing something?
I'm running v0.2.2 on Calibre 5.23.
(Reported by snowplums on MobileRead: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4137468&postcount=17)
Looking through the raw metadata stored in Koreader, looks like its only storying the needed metadata when the book is completed, and isn't adding status metadata when its only partially read. Sounds like its probably a bug on Koreader's part, however since this plugin is in python, could probably make a workaround here to add the needed metadata during a sync if progress is >0 and <100.
The completed metadata being added is:
["summary"] = {
["status"] = "complete",