
not able to auth

Closed this issue · 4 comments

➜  ~  cli-github -n sindhus
Invalid Credentials. For help, type 'clipy-github -h'
➜  ~  source ~/.zshrc
➜  ~  echo $GITHUB_TOKEN
➜  ~  cli-github -n sindhus
Invalid Credentials. For help, type 'clipy-github -h'
➜  ~  clipy-github -h
zsh: command not found: clipy-github

Am pretty sure I've set the the GITHUB_TOKEN env var and what's clipy-github -h? shouldn't it be cli-github -h?

What am I missing here with regards to credentials here that I can't use your module?

clipy-github was just a typo, and it's fixed now.
Regarding the token, please make sure that these two things are properly setup

  • GITHUB_TOKEN is set as <token-in-quotes>
  • Go to the token settings link and click edit to make sure that the scopes of your token are properly set up.

What are the scopes this program needs access to?

Auth works now. I think it would be more clear if you wrote in the README.md `export GITHUB_TOKEN="replace_this_with_your_token_leave_the_quotes". Thanks.

Sure. Will make it look clean in the next update