
Compilation of cloud native design patterns, with implementations using different services from various cloud service providers ( AWS, GCP and Azure ).


Compilation of cloud native design patterns, with implementations using different services from various cloud service providers ( AWS, GCP and Azure ).

Cloud Based Applications

Cloud Native Applications

  • Cloud Native applications are developed entirely using cloud services, where both computation and hosting is done through services provided by the vendor. These applications are made to leverage the cloud specific features, rather than building an application for a particular platform.

  • Cloud native applications tend to be loosely coupled,

    • Loosely vs Tightely Coupled : " In a loosely coupled system, the components are independent of each other"

      • Advantages: a loosely coupled system/ architecture each component has its own interface and communicates with other components through standardized protocols. And changes to one component


API ( Application Programming Interface )

Advantages & Disadvantages of Cloud Native Applications.

Cloud Native Design Patterns.