
Is There a Way to Verify that This Script is Safe and Clean?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm not experienced enough with computers to look at the search code and see if there is anything wrong with it. I also don't want to make any false accusations. I just ran my antivirus program and it labeled Clut as a danger and deleted it.

This really scares me since I downloaded the antivirus program because things were going wrong with my computer. I'm worried that Clut was the cause.

It is absolutely clean - use it without a worry!

This extension has been used majorly by technical people and is their extension of choice for many as compared to the alternatives.

If you wish to you can get any technical friend of yours to read the code from the installed browser extension too.

I never have received this type of query but I think your concern is legitimate. There was one person who asked why is there Google Analytics included - but that is just to know how many people actively use it as opposed to just install and forget it. It helps me to know if the extension is really helping and to prioritize any new changes. It only displays that 10,000 people used it in the last week without any details of anyone's browsing history or anything of that sort.


There is no way for me to tell if you are telling the truth. Literally, given the evidence, there is no possible way! But, I believe you. You sound sincere. Let me thank you on behalf of the 9,999 other people who use it, thank you for making such a useful extension. It's truly increases my productivity and you are a godsend.

What makes it even better is your prompt response! I'm curious. Is there any way that you benefit monetarily from this? Why do the people like you on Github, work on the code as hard as they do? Is it purely from knowing that they made a quality-program that a lot of people love? Can they convert the program into a for-profit code later? Or, perhaps do they use it as a project that they can show to prospective employers, demonstrating their competence?

Is there a way to donate to you for your time and effort?

Thank you again for a small program that makes a substantial impact to a lot of people!