This shell is a complete working linux shell. It supports most of the linux shell functionalities including semicolon separated commands, all basic linux commands etc. Foreground and Background processes can also be executed.
- Clone this directory and cd into it.
- Run the command "make".
- Run ./shell to get a prompt of the form username@system_name:path.
- Run any command in the shell. It can entail as many number of tabs and spaces, the shell accounts for those.
- In order to exit, you can run either exit or quit.
The commands that are supported are as follows :
- pwd - Prints the present working directory.
- cd - Changes directory to the directory specified based on the flags given below:
It throws an error if the directory does not exist.
cd cd .. cd . cd ~ cd <directory>
- echo [arguments] - Displays whatever is specified in [arguments], accounts for double quotes too.
echo ["Hello World"]
- exit OR quit- Exits the shell with return status as success, and adds updates history.txt.
- ls - Lists the contents of a particular directory based on the flags given below:
It throws an error on being executed on something other than a directory.
ls ls -l ls -a ls -al ls -la ls -l -a ls -a -l ls [directory]
- pinfo - Lists the details of a particular process (may be based on a process ID that is given). The flags that can be used are given below:
pinfo pinfo <pid>
- history - Lists the last 10 commands.
Note - The "Pseudo Home" directory for the shell will be the directory in which the executable resides. Also, all commands other than specified built-in commands are considered as system commands.
- printPrompt() - Function to print shell prompt with username and system name along with directory.
- interpretCommand() - Function to take the input command and redirect it to the functions like readCommands(), checkCommand() and splitCommands().
- readCommands() - This function basically reads the command as clear by the name.
- checkCommand() - This function checks the command from the built-in array (specified in the beginning of the code).
- splitCommand() - As clear by the name, this function splits commands(if more than one).
- launch() - Function to handle background things.
- returnPath() - returns the path of the directory.
- shell_pwd() - Executes pwd command and prints the present working directory.
- shell_pinfo() - Function to provide details about currently active/running processes. A particular process ID can also be provided as an argument to obtain its details.
- shell_cd() - Executes cd command along with all the flags.
- shell_echo() - Function to execute echo command
- shell_ls() - Executes the ls command along with all the flags.
- shell_exit() OR shell_quit() - Functions to exit the shell.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.