Primary LanguageHTML



Repository for the Practical Machine Learning class, John Hopkins, Coursera.

The pml-coursera-project.Rmd and the pml-coursera-project.html are the R markdown and the HTML files respectively, that describe the analysis performed on the Weight Lifting Exercise Dataset, for the final project of the Practical Machine Learning class.

For examining further the compiled HTML file, pml-coursera-project.html, for the results of the analysis, the reviewer should click the green button named "Clone or download", download files in a .zip file and open the pml-coursera-project.html file with his/her browser.

The pml-coursera-project.md is a markdown file, created to aid the reviewers in taking a quick look in the analysis.

pml-training.csv and pml-testing.csv are the original datasets used for the analysis.

testing_with_predictions file contains a table with the pml-testing.csv dataset observations along with the predictions performed by the Random Forest model of the analysis, for the variable classe.