
A golang-based IMAP notifier

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


imapidol is a proof-of-concept, alpha-stage but working, IMAP IDLE-based notifier, written in Go.

What does it do?

imapidol concurrently monitors one or more configured IMAP accounts for changes (MailboxUpdate, mostly) to one given IMAP folder, and executes a user-given command when such changes happen.

What can I use it for?

You might want to be notified (i.e. via notify-send or growl) when a given mailbox (INBOX or [Gmail]/All Mail) gets new messages, or you might want to automatically trigger a local IMAP synchronisation tool (i.e. lieer or offlineimap), or whatever else you think you'd want to do when a given IMAP folder gets updated.

I mostly use it to be notified, so I can choose whether and when to manually run my favourite IMAP synchronisation tool - at leisure.

It scratches my itch; I hope it can also scratch yours.

How to get it

go get github.com/mfontani/imapidol
imapidol -help


I've only tested this, and care about this working on, a Linux environment. If you care about OSX or Windows support, you're welcome to open a pull request.

The MailboxUpdate type of update the tool listens for is apparently triggered both when new messages reach the watched IMAP folder, as well as when any changes in message count are effected upon it (i.e. if an email gets archived from gmail's web interface, or another IMAP program).

I've not found a way to distinguish between the two ("new email" only, vs "any changes to this folder").

As a result, the command triggers both when a new message reaches the watched folder, as well as if an already existing message gets, say, deleted and therefore purged from the watched folder and while you might think you've got new mail, that might not be really the case.

While the tool uses a lock file behind the scenes to ensure only one copy of it per user is ever ran, this may not be enough for it to be properly ran via cron, especially if you use gopass or a similar password management tool which requires some sort of user interaction to get the accounts' passwords - as the environment in which cron is ran from might not be able to show you the required password prompt properly, and it might fail through no fault of its own.

Or, you could use the password_insecure option instead, but I wouldn't recommend doing that.

If you use a passwordless/non-interactive tool to get the password (i.e. having a ~/.netrc containing passwords, and a simple tool to read them), it ought to work, although I guess that wouldn't be that secure - and you might as well just use password_insecure, aside from the downside of having your plain text password in more than one place.

You can still run it in a stashed-away terminal or tmux session, though, so not all hope is lost.

I don't mind having a terminal dedicated to this tool stashed away. You might.

The lock file is (by default) only triggered once the whole configuration has been parsed and applied (including running any password_command). This allows you to have an instance running with an old and working config, as well as testing a new configuration at the same time. This doesn't help one create a "forever loop", but you can use the -lockearly option, which ought to make it possible to run something like the following, if you need to:

$ while /bin/true; imapidol -lockearly; notify-send imapidol imapidol encountered an issue; done &

I prefer instead something simpler, like:

$ imapidol ; notify-send imapidol stopped

How to configure

You'll likely want to copy the sample INI configuration file config.ini.sample into your favourite XDG directory for configuration, i.e. ~/.config/imapidol/config.ini.

You ought to have at least one account configured. An "account" is an INI section (see above [foo@bar] in the sample config), i.e. "the stuff between the square brackets".

Each account ought to have an email, a command (but you could provide a global command in the head of the INI file, instead), and either a password_command or a password_insecure for the account.

Don't use the password_insecure if you can't help it.

Sample configuration

folder=[Gmail]/All Mail
; you can use the following environment variables for the command, or for the
; password_command (although the password_command isn't available in the global
; section):
; $IMAPIDOL_ACCOUNT - i.e. "foo@bar" below
; $IMAPIDOL_EMAIL - i.e. "foo@bar.example.com" below
; $IMAPIDOL_FOLDER - i.e. "Important" for the "foo@example" account below
; $IMAPIDOL_SERVER - i.e. "imap.bar.example.com" for the "foo@bar" account below
command=/usr/bin/notify-send imapidol "You've got mail on $IMAPIDOL_EMAIL!"

command=offlineimap -o -u quiet

password_command=gopass email/foo@example.com
command=/usr/bin/notify-send imapidol "You've got IMPORTANT mail on $IMAPIDOL_EMAIL!"

Copyright and License

imapidol is Copyright (c) 2019, Marco Fontani MFONTANI@cpan.org

It is released under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file in this repository/directory.