
Isofox and Very Polymorphic Human Genes

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Like T1K, can Isofox accurately infer HLA and KIR mRNA abundances given that hg38 poorly represents most people for such genes?

Hi Dario,

We have developed LILAC for HLA typing (https://github.com/hartwigmedical/hmftools/tree/master/lilac and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37165135/). This can be run on both RNA and DNA.

With respect to ISOFOX, we internally tested against both Salmon and RSEM during development on ~100 samples. For HLA class 1 genes we found highly concordant abundance estimates with RSEM, but Salmon often differed quite markedly from both RSEM and ISOFOX.


Can Isofox somehow take as input LILAC-inferred HLA alleles and quantify those instead of gene-level quantification?

I think it will be similar. Do you have an example where it goes wrong?

No just wondering conceptually if instead of

        Sample A Samples B
HLA-A       10      0
HLA-B       20      30

something like

              Sample A   Sample B
HLA-A A*01:02     5         0
HLA-A A*02:01     5         0
HLA-B B*01:01     20        15 
HLA-B B*02:01     0         15

is possible for quantification. I am wondering about allele-specific expression (A.S.E.) of polymorphic genes.

This is very similar to what LILAC outputs. Here is the picture from our paper: (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-023-01367-1/figures/1)


Indeed, it does.

RNA ‘expression’ of alleles
LILAC also optionally accepts a RNA bam. As per the fragments in the bam are counted for each allele in the determined type. This can be interpreted as a proxy for allele specific expression.