
A habit tracker (a type of "to-do list") that can display entries by categories or by time (aka expected times of completion). It displays a chart of completion rates over the past few days and notes on top to encourage users to keep up with their tasks.

Getting Started

TODO: Guide users through getting your code up and running on their own system. In this section you can talk about:

  1. My initial setup process

I followed Firebase's documentation to set up Realtime Database and to deploy to their Hosting server. In the future, all I need is 'npm run-script build' and 'firebase deploy'.

Starting 1.3.0, npm wasn't able to create a build due to memory issue. Running 'node --max-old-space-size=2048 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build' instead of 'npm run-script build' worked.

Adding --outputHashing=all flag makes the browser to retrieve the newer website instead of cached one after "firebase deploy".

"firebase use --add" adds a new environment. Now my current setup has 'default' and 'staging'.

With a new feature of displaying 7 days' completion rates by reading in the data and computing, daily read quota was met during development and it had to be put on a pause. Here's to check the quotas:

After closing out, you may need to "firebase login" again (maybe after "firebase logout"), or even "firebase login --no-localhost"

v2.8.2 started adding a build timestamp on the bottom next to the version and running "node ./timestamp.js" is required to generate the build timestamp in environment.ts.

=> "node --max-old-space-size=2048 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng serve" => "node ./timestamp.js && node --max-old-space-size=2048 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --prod --outputHashing=all && firebase deploy -P default && rmdir public /s /q"

  1. Installation process (npm install)
  2. Software dependencies (Firestore)
  3. Latest releases
  4. API references

Build and Test

TODO: Describe and show how to build your code and run the tests.


Version Date Details
0.0.0 2020-12-10 copying from Azure repo, using Azure server and db
0.1.0 2020-12-12 Login + Display data in table
0.2.0 2020-12-13 Overall % + new empty entry of the day + display data by default + fn to enter new category/goal/entry
0.3.0 2020-12-13 Modify entry once logged in
0.3.1 2020-12-13 Complete and incomplete tasks align / login button not hidden if login failed
0.3.2 2020-12-13 Display categories & temporary solution to display most of daily entries on the phone without requiring much scroll
0.3.3 2020-12-13 Toggle to display incomplete tasks only + background color on overall % + overall % logic fix + empty input means 0
0.4.0 2020-12-13 Enter new goal or update existing goal via UI + README has version history + db .validate rules are intact + goals accept 'details' + category gets colors + model is back + display categories and goals for testing
0.5.0 2020-12-15 Display today's date and day + full display to show details + daily entries only from unarchived goals
0.5.1 2020-12-15 new/modify goals on UI not displayed until 'testing' clicked + docstring for functions + callback parameters have types specified + default values if optional
1.0.0 2020-12-16 Migrating from Firebase Realtime Database to Firebase Cloud Firestore as it provides more functionalities
1.0.1 2020-12-16 A day's subentries will be added with a new goal even though new entry already exists
1.1.0 2020-12-16 Display sub-entries in schedule (ordered by time) unoptimized + create/update goals with expectedTimesOfCompletion + check if doc exists before write
1.2.0 2020-12-16 Highlight most close time in schedule view + session persists and login components hide automatically
1.2.1 2020-12-16 Hide all display options (category-view, completed sub-entries, hide units and details) with a checkbox
1.3.0 2020-12-17 display top chart in mobile size + hide it conditionally + new/modify goals via UI again + fill modify automatically when name selected + success and fail message on UI for a few seconds (not relying on console.log)
2.0.0 2020-12-18 Nonprod access (ng serve) test_* collections in Firestore db VS 'ng build --prod' access the regular collections
2.0.1 2020-12-18 Display environment on UI
2.1.0 2020-12-18 Fixed error logic with toggling checkboxes on top and optimized (less deep-copy, less processing on the fly) + dates on charts only shows dates not year and month
2.1.1 2020-12-18 Adding dates to version history in readme
2.2.0 2020-12-18 Data table has fixed width and invisible scrollbar (width dynamically changed based on chart visibility)
2.2.1 2020-12-19 Adding today's date to the top chart (on top of past 7 days) + minor code quality (e.g. typos, missing semi-colons)
2.2.2 2020-12-20 Chart reloads as more tasks/sub-entries are completed throughout the day - without refreshing the page
2.2.3 2020-12-21 Modify Goal validates expectedTimesOfCompletion + regex for New/Modify Goal is fixed and now requires leading zero
2.2.4 2020-12-22 Display active/archived goal count & color archived + Allow float entry
2.2.5 2020-12-22 Fixing errors of checking 'length' of undefined (by setting the variable with an empty array)
2.3.0 2020-12-22 If a sub-entry is partially done, then do not show it in the early schedules (based on the percentage done and the number of showings in schedule aka expectedTimesOfCompletion.length)
2.3.1 2020-12-24 Display overall completion rates of the past 7 days in console.log as well (not just chart)
2.4.0 2020-12-25 Added a link to my Firestore db + Display notes on top
2.4.1 2020-12-25 Clicking (or tapping) the chart and notes hides them (respectively)
2.4.2 2020-12-28 Tab and new line characters in note texts are applied in HTML when displayed
2.4.3 2020-12-28 Double tap to hide chart and notes instead of single tap. Replaces all tabs and new line chars in note texts
2.4.4 2020-12-28 Notes do not wrap while keeping \n and \t + collapsible bar for notes chart testing
2.5.0 2020-12-28 Adding missed html components for v2.4.4 + A new component named 'subentry-table' to display table consistently across + display entries of past 7 days
2.5.1 2020-12-28 Fixed color display on subentry-table component
2.6.0 2020-12-29 Reading data only after login + moving templates to UtilService + Safari respects tab and new line chars without wrapping
2.6.1 2020-12-29 Auto-login again with session + entries of past 7 days under Testing update the Firestore db correctly
2.7.0 2020-12-30 Highlights specific phrases in notes
2.7.1 2020-12-30 Display 'category' column only on desktop by default
2.8.0 2020-12-30 Old table css is correctly applied to subentry-table + the web can act as a standalone app on iPhone without using Safari UI (PWA installation)
2.8.1 2020-12-30 Patching on PWA installation (removed unused component) + double tapping any part of Testing will hide it
2.8.2 2020-12-30 Generate build timestamp
3.0.0 2021-01-02 goals in Testing is sorted by category and shows with category color + the primary key (aka documentId) for 'goals' is now category_name instead of just goal name + new/modify goal dropdown gets at-0 item as default
3.0.1 2021-01-02 documentId in document itself is consistent with the actual documentId (no spaces)
3.0.2 2021-01-02 Focus out on input box puts 0 back + more category colors + reorganized subentry-table background colors and goal name also displays colors
3.0.3 2021-01-02 category color on top of completion rate colors
3.0.4 2021-01-04 the chart is redrawn/refreshed/reloaded upon successful update on a subentry
3.1.0 2021-01-08 subscribe to Goals + entering -1 hides the subentry until 'incomplete & unhidden only' is turned off and the subentry is given an update
3.1.1 2021-01-10 timeToHighlight is updated every 5 mins + no static fn in UtilService
3.1.2 2021-01-10 entering -1 not only hides but can also unhide the subentry (once 'incomplete & unhidden only' is turned off)
3.1.3 2021-01-11 chart shows monthly percent goal as horizontal strip in background (hard-coded) + x-axis also shows day not just date + entry with input type tel + allow any symbol for dot but expect only one
3.1.4 2021-01-11 subentry input type='tel' if mobile and type='number' if web
3.2.0 2021-01-13 edit mode is introduced to hide or unhide rows/subentries - -1 could not be entered with mobile (feature of hiding with -1 is not removed, yet)
3.2.1 2021-01-16 In Testing section, the entries of past 7 dates are visible in one table and yesterday's entry can be modified (added/removed goals over time are also handled)
3.2.2 2021-01-17 Oddly 'edit' button was getting clicked automatically when the page loads (only in prod), so now it's a checkbox - the content is actually in the previous commit due to git issue
3.2.3 2021-01-17 displaying past data does not mess up displaying today's data by deep-copying the data
3.2.4 2021-01-18 When multiple subentries are modified at once (e.g. hiding multiple at once), the chart is updated only once
3.2.5 2021-01-18 Adding 'unhide all' button
3.2.6 2021-01-18 Chart is updated only when the count is updated (i.e. not with hide/unhide)
3.3.0 2021-01-18 Introducing 'subentryDetails' to mark details of today's subentries - button click to mark whether it's done that day / current goals updated, testing new/modify goal updated, displayed in all relevant tables
3.3.1 2021-01-18 subentryDetails not show by default + subentryDetails not required with new goal (bug fixed) + in displaying data for past 7-8 days, only completed subentryDetails are displayed ('true' ones)
3.3.2 2021-01-20 goal count and count can be float not just int + double-click column name to hide it + testing past 7-8 day entries now show yesterday's subentries under 'count' column
3.3.3 2021-01-21 select-all checkbox
4.0.0 2021-01-24 highlights on Notes can have different colors
4.0.1 2021-01-25 highlights on Notes work with special characters
4.1.0 2021-02-11 'basics' collection is added and is copied under each entry every day (no UI capability yet - everything needs to be done via db directly besides adding it daily automatically)
4.1.1 2021-02-12 'basics' collection for today's entry can be modified in an input box where a json is represented in a string
5.0.0 2021-03-15 (2021-02-18 ~ 03-15) Moving away from Firebase's Firestore db, and start using Spring Boot backend and Heroku's PostgreSQL db
6.0.0 2021-04-05 trying to make it look nicer with PrimeNG + details can be shown in PrimeNG tree format if the details is in nested bullet list with '-'
6.1.0 2021-04-05 can modify details by double clicking then moving away mouse + primeng tree parser can handle \n too + add an entry with new task + multiplier can be 0
6.1.1 2021-04-05 update primeng details tree upon data update and keeps displaying the tree
6.1.2 2021-04-05 workflowy in iframe + blank details can be edited too
6.1.3 2021-04-07 fixing errors recently introduced - could not edit, could not hide entries, goals were shown twice on mobile


TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better.

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