
End to End Playwright tests

sabzo opened this issue · 0 comments

sabzo commented

The goal is to create a series of tests that will launch browsers, a test server, and test if certain actions on UI elements return expected results.


  • homepage

    • test if map functionality points to the correct page and updates information on the left side
    • test if clicking on svg map goes to the right place (this works with the exception of small states or states not in the mainland)
  • search:

    • pagination
    • counts
    • download buttons if it works,
    • update search
    • search tag is shown at the top,
    • show api call
    • link to trends page,
  • Trends

    • frequency of search term,
    • wildcard testing
    • make sure that when click is made something renders back
  • Case:

    • left navigation bar (is js and needs to be tested)
  • Case editor:

    • edit case based on ocr
      • testing if edit case updates,
      • does the page load,
      • render,
      • can you save a word clicked,
      • if a change is made does it break build on other pages?
  • Timeline

    • does clicking create timeline load timeline?
    • Can user edit cases, add a case, basically crud operations... (looking at the code as well)

    Reference: PyTest, PyTest fixtures, Django liveservr, and Perma testing
    Ensure build still works