
Custom AMI per group

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to have a custom AMI and Image size per group?
In what part of the code would this be implemented?
I would be willing to look at creating the feature if it is not already available.

Hi Andrew,

We did not use the group functionality in this version, but this is something we are looking into.

You are more than welcome to check the groups and the AMI per groups.
The code that create user instances is in the spawner.py module: https://github.com/harvard/cloudJHub/blob/master/jupyterhub_files/spawner.py

spawner.py loads the AMI and other user instance configuration from a config file "server_config.json" into the SERVER_PARAMS dictionary. create_new_instance(self) function , line 303, in spawner.py uses this config variable (SERVER_PARAMS) to launch user instance.

Therefore, you need to specify group AMIs in a config file, and modify create_new_instance to create user instance from the user's group AMI.

Great. Thanks for the heads up. If I take it anywhere I'll let you know and maybe generate a PR if appropriate.