
Swap fee APYs

Closed this issue · 1 comments

A number of pools could easily be updated to show swap fees using the LP-type tradingApyFunction. This can be achieved by simply adding:


To the parameters in the pools.json file, with the address replaced with the corresponding LP address. This can be done for the following pools:

  • Uni_FOX_WETH
  • farm-klondike-kxusd-dai
  • farm-klondike-wbtc-kbtc
  • farm-klondike-wbtc-klon
  • belt_BELT_BNB
  • pancakeBUSDBNB
  • pancakeETHBNB
  • pancakeUSDTBNB
  • pancakeXVSBNB
  • pancakeCAKEBNB

Thank you for the suggestion! This has now been released.