
How to get market data for the new IQOption-Api-async

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I see the old method is as follows:

You need to subscribe to the market before accessing the market data.
This is what is needed to get market data.

time.sleep(1) ## Artificial delay due to socket 
eur_usd_market_data = api.market_data["EURUSD"] ## a dictionary with timestamp as keys

or you can get candle data for a market using this

 # api.update_candle_data(market_name,interval,start_time,end_time)
 api.update_candle_data("EURUSD",1,0,int(time.time())) ## get latest 1000 candles with 1 second interval

 time.sleep(1) ## Artificial delay

 # api.candle_data[market_name][interval] # list of lists  [time,open,close,high,low]
 print(api.candle_data["EURUSD][1]) # prints candles

Originally posted by @harwee in #8 (comment)