
`tfm copy workspaces --state` only finds the 1st 20 state files

drewmullen opened this issue · 1 comments

if i try to copy over more than 20 statefiles at a time, tfm only finds 20 states. We also discovered that the 20 it copys are only the 1st 20 (historically the oldest state files)

Getting list of states from source workspace  WORKSPACE_NAME
Found 20 Workspace states
Getting list of States from destination Workspace  WORKSPACE_NAME
Found 0 Workspace states
list of states count by tfx:
$ ./tfx workspace state-version list --workspace-name WORKSPACE_NAME --config tfxconf.tfx.hcl
Using config file: tfxconf.tfx.hcl
List State Versions for Workspace: WORKSPACE_NAME
│ ID                  │ TERRAFORM VERSION │ SERIAL │ RUN ID               │ CREATED               │
│ sv-1111111111111111 │ 1.3.1             │     70 │

Resolved in 0.4.2