
Add parameters `BaseEndpointUrl` and `IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints`

gdavison opened this issue · 0 comments

The AWS SDK supports the environment variable AWS_ENDPOINT_URL and the shared config parameter endpoint_url to set an endpoint for all services. This can be overridden by service-specific endpoints.

The AWS SDK also supports the environment variable AWS_IGNORE_CONFIGURED_ENDPOINT_URLS and the shared config parameter ignore_configured_endpoint_urls to ignore any endpoints set using environment variables or shared config file. Endpoints directly configured using Config will still be used.

Add an equivalent Config parameter BaseEndpointUrl that:

  • sets a common endpoint URL for all services
  • can be overridden for specific services

Add an equivalent Config parameter IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints that:

  • ignores any base and service-specific endpoints set using environment variables or shared config file
  • still allows directly configured service endpoints

See also