
Unknown plugin type failed to load plugin as database

geoangelotti opened this issue · 1 comments

When trying to run the secrets_mock plugin inside a docker, I am getting the following issue:

failed to load plugin as database v5: fork/exec /plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-mock: no such file or directory

The build process can be seen in this action.


Way to reproduce:

  1. Plugin built outside the container (make build, sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep ...)
  2. Run the container:
docker run -d --name notary -p 8200:8200 -v $(pwd)/vault/plugins:/plugins \
	$1 sh -c "vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root -dev-plugin-dir=/plugins"

The error message says that there is no file or directory at the plugin path but there is.

Hi @geoangelotti, I wonder if this is the same issue I've been seeing. Looks like the issue is related to the alpine base: https://fukubaka0825.medium.com/how-to-resolve-the-trouble-occurred-when-i-install-go-into-the-alpine-image-3c1e84f2315a
I worked around the issue on my side by re-building the plugin inside the container (I guess creating a temporary alpine container just for the build would also work), but maybe using a different base OS for the vault container would be useful as I imagine lots of plugins will have this problem!