
panic with Vault kv-v2 secret engine

apowers opened this issue · 2 comments

When attempting to read a key from Vault using the kv-v2 secret engine, envconsul panics with map[string]interface {}, not string

Envconsul version

$>envconsul -v
envconsul v0.7.3 (daa2947)


vault {
    address = "https://vault.local.domain"
    token   = "<redacted>"

    ssl {
        enabled = true
        verify = false
secret {
    no_prefix = true


envconsul -config config.hcl -log-level debug -secret secrets/data/test env

Debug output

2018/05/29 17:24:02.832503 [DEBUG] (runner) setting secrets_data_test_data=map["database__password": "<redacted>"]from vault.read(secrets/data/test)
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is map[string]interface {}, not string

goroutine 6 [running]:
main.(*Runner).appendSecrets(0xc4201361c0, 0xc42021e600, 0xc420153d70, 0x7fb1e0, 0xc42005ba40, 0xc420044901, 0x46e30b)
        /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/envconsul/runner.go:466 +0x988
main.(*Runner).Run(0xc4201361c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/envconsul/runner.go:252 +0x25f
        /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/envconsul/runner.go:168 +0x555
created by main.(*CLI).Run
        /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/envconsul/cli.go:119 +0x499

Expected behavior

Should set environment data.

Actual behavior


envconsul -config config.hcl -log-level debug -secret secrets/test env results in "no secret exists at secrets/test"

Data can be read using curl.
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: <redacted>" --request GET --data @payload.json --insecure https://vault.local.domain/v1/secrets/data/test

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a secret engine using kv-v2
  2. Create some data
  3. Attempt to read the data with envconsul
  • GH-1234
  • ...

Is there an update on this?
We have enabled versioned backend. I am getting map[string]interface {}, not string error when using envconsul.

I've opened #186 that should address this and support both kv versions