
Database connection refused in challenge #2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This happens during the migrating-static-database-secrets challenge. I updated the password in vault and attempted to restart the application with the kubectl rollout restart deployment command but it appears the database is not accepting connections. Here's what shows up in the logs:

2021-06-15T17:39:49.927Z [ERROR] Unable to connect to database: error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
2021-06-15T17:39:50.929Z [ERROR] Unable to connect to database: error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
2021-06-15T17:39:51.932Z [ERROR] Unable to connect to database: error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"

Thanks @scarolan : I will investigate.

what command did you use to get the logs, @scarolan ?

I also see problem with this. Specifically, the deployment of the products-api-deployment fails.

@dahlke fixed the issues by pinning the versions of Consul and other products.

Fixed this per Roger's comment above.