
Rehype plugin not loading

geraldoramos opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to install the rehype-autolink-headings rehype plugin but nothing happens, it looks like the plugin is not being triggered.

Here is my next config:

const withMdxEnhanced = require('next-mdx-enhanced')
const withImages = require('next-images')

module.exports = withMdxEnhanced({
    layoutPath: 'components/common/Layout/',
    defaultLayout: false,
    fileExtensions: ['mdx'],
    remarkPlugins: [],
    rehypePlugins: [require("rehype-autolink-headings")],
    extendFrontMatter: {
        process: (mdxContent, frontMatter) => {},
        phase: 'prebuild|loader|both',

Am I missing anything? Is this a bug?



Same problem and config, except I'm not using next-images.

I figured it out.

rehype-slug is required for rehype-autolink-headings to work. It's not documented.

Install and add it to rehypePlugins:

npm i rehype-slug
rehypePlugins: [require('rehype-slug'), require('rehype-autolink-headings')],