
Unable to connect from chef-client to chef-server using packer chef-client provisioner Packer

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue was originally opened by @sushantifi as hashicorp/packer#10510. It was migrated here as a result of the Packer plugin split. The original body of the issue is below.

i have been trying to install chef-client using packer in azure vm windows 2016 datacenter image but after creating image i checked in chef workstation that the image with chef-client configuration machine is not connected to chef server.

Is it necessary to perform knife command manually? but knife commands need private IP of vm so how can image with chef-client configuration will auto connect to the chef server?

Here is template code that i have tried:


"type": "chef-client",

"install_command": "powershell.exe -Command (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://chef.io/chef/install.msi', 'C:\\Windows\\Temp\\chef.msi');Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList '/qb /i C:\\Windows\\Temp\\chef.msi' -NoNewWindow -Wait",

"Server_Url": "https://api.chef.io/organizations/xyz",

"Guest_Os_Type": "Windows",

"Chef_Environment": "",

"Ssl_Verify_Mode": "Verify_None",

"chef_license": "accept",

"Validation_Client_Name": "xyz94",

"Validation_Key_Path": "C:/packer/packer-repo/packer-master/DE/setup_files/xyz94.pem",

"Skip_Clean_Client": "True",

"Skip_Clean_Node": "False"



With the archival of this repository all open issues will be marked as read-only. If you wish to further discuss this plugin or any of its open issues we invite you to open a discussion on the Packer community forum.

More details on the plugin archiving process for this provisioner can be found on the Plans to Archive Unmaintained Packer Provisioner Plugins blog post.