
consul.json using old packer var

Closed this issue · 2 comments

clean_ami_name1 has been replaced by clean_resource_namein packer v1.4. Updatedconsul.json` to reflect this.

Ref: hashicorp/packer#7456

The current consul.json template needs this update.

It might also make sense to update the readme for the consul template to provide a note about needing a vpc_id and/or subnet_id in order for the packer build to run.

Let me know.

Thx for the PR in #169!

The Packer template should, by default, use the Default VPC. vpc_id and subnet_id are only required if you don't have a default VPC.

@brikis98 Makes Sense. I think PR #169 is ready to go then.

Unless you want me to put blank vars in there.