
SIGTERM with timeout=3m still doesn't deregister the agent from the pool

alankan-finocomp opened this issue ยท 0 comments

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹

base image: hashicorp/tfc-agent:1.7

I am trying to follow this doc to make my agent container exits gracefully.

I am using Ansible docker container with the following configs:

- name: Stop it
    name: tfc-agent
    image: tfc-agent
    # https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/cloud-docs/agents/agents#stop-the-agent; `recreate: true` => force kill
    state: stopped 
    stop_timeout: 180 # 3m

By default, SIGTERM should be sent so it should behave exactly as documented, however, TFC doesn't deregister it as expected...

What's worse, my subscription has only 1 quota for agent and there is no delete button on UI. I have no choice but remove the entire pool and redo from scratch...

Is there anything I have missed or misconfigured?