
HCP support

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi! Can you give an example how to use HCP here? https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-action?tab=readme-ov-file#hashicorp-cloud-platform-or-vault-enterprise

As I see from instruction on HCP Vault website I should get token from https://auth.idp.hashicorp.com/oauth2/token with usage of HCP_CLIENT_ID and HCP_CLIENT_SECRET. And after get secrets from link https://api.cloud.hashicorp.com with usage of token.

So, do you have this functionality?

@mihalt Hello! You need the correct url, namespace, and token set on the action and I think that should do it. What have you tried?

@mihalt Hello! You need the correct url, namespeace, and token set on the action and I think that should do it. What have you tried?

have you seen their url? it is something like

And I should generate token each time.

Also, I really don't understand what path should I use, that is required.
And as I see from HCP manual, I don't need any of namespaces in request. I don't even see are they exist in it.

@mihalt Hello, are you using HCP Vault or HCP Vault Secrets? What is HCP Vault Secrets?

@mihalt Hello, are you using HCP Vault or HCP Vault Secrets? What is HCP Vault Secrets?

looks like Vault Secrets. The link in browser like this https://portal.cloud.hashicorp.com/services/secrets/apps/

@mihalt Thanks for confirming. vault-action is designed to work with HCP Vault Dedicated or Vault Enterprise. There is no integration with Vault Secrets at this time.