
vault operator init not writing to stdout in minikube container

jxsl13 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm having a small problem in regard to initializing the Vault.


The execution of the following command somehow doe snot allow the vault executable to write to stdout inside of the container.

$ kubectl exec vault-0 -- vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format=json > cluster-keys.json
E0429 14:43:35.844536   15260 v2.go:151] write /dev/stdout: permission denied

I'm using the official helm chart (generated the k8s manifest files with the "getting started " values) and applied those to a local minikube installation.

it's possible execute bash and see the output inside of the container but sadly not outside which would be nice for automation.

apparently the integrated vs code terminal is broken