
Getting errors when running ./cluster.sh: line 47: vault: command not found

crutis3270 opened this issue · 1 comments


Getting errors when running ./cluster.sh: line 47: vault: command not found. Is there something missing from the code below?

Create a helper function to address the first vault node

function vault_1 {
(export VAULT_ADDR= && vault "$@")

From screen

root@vault01:/home/crutis3270/gary/vault-guides/operations/raft-storage/local# ./cluster.sh setup vault_1

[vault_1] starting Vault server @

[vault_1] initializing and capturing the unseal key and root token
./cluster.sh: line 47: vault: command not found

The full instruction is here.

I just updated the script, so please re-run the command in following order:

  1. (Optional) ./cluster.sh clean
  2. ./cluster.sh create network
  3. ./cluster.sh create config
  4. ./cluster.sh setup vault_1