tls-self-signed-cert repo is not public
kmcquade opened this issue · 7 comments
Lines 18 and 29 in the f-add-provision-guides branch
Clear that it's not the tls-private-key repo either, given the vars required
Please make that other repo public so it's easy to use.
@bensojona - just making sure someone sees this :)
@bensojona thanks for the quick response. Only other issue that I'm encountering is the aws_ami data source. We don't have access to that demo account. Is there a specific packer build we need to use? I'm only using the one in the bastion module; already have my own AMIs with Enterprise Consul and Vault
data "aws_ami" "hashistack" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["362381645759"] # hc-se-demos Hashicorp SE Demos Account
@bensojona never mind. Figured out that it's in the guides-configuration /hashistack folder
@kmcquade yep - still need to document that part :)
Hadn't considered what happens when you don't have access to our demo account. Does the terraform plan
just fail? I may need to make the owners
attribute an input variable if that's the case.
@bensojona yeah it fails - can't remember the exact error message but it says something to the effect of "we don't see AMIs matching these attributes in your account." Owners = self is probably a good idea