
Add link to who using yamux

cnmade opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello yamux community and developers.

Is there a link or a page where I can show you who is using yamux?

I am glad to share with you how yamux library works in enterprise environment.


Gotcpforward is a powerful TCP tunnel. You may hear about other LBs like AWS Load balancer? or HAProxy.

Yes, we use it for the same purpose.

We use gotcpforward to load and share resource of our different zone inside AWS, Azure, GCP.

Now we use yamux to build our enterpise level LB, we called next version.

It is stable and amazing.

Reduce the connections create cost, and work perfectly.

If you want to learn how to use yamux, maybe our project is good start, it is very clean and easy to read.

But so powerful, thanks for great yamux library.