
Hashie::Extensions::Array Leaks into actionpack

streetlogics opened this issue · 5 comments

Was updating an application's Gemfile dependencies, and after upgrading to Rails 4.2 and the latest version of Hashie (3.5.6), we started getting the following error:

undefined method `wrap' for Hashie::Extensions::Array:Module in gems/actionpack-4.2.10/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb:225:in `block in permit!'

This is the code there:

    223: def permit!
    224:   each_pair do |key, value|
 => 225:     Array.wrap(value).each do |v|
    226:       v.permit! if v.respond_to? :permit!
    227:     end
    228:   end
    230:   @permitted = true
    231:   self
    232: end

I'm interested in how/why Ruby is trying to use Hashie::Extensions::Array instead of Ruby's base Array class. I could probably go ahead and just monkeypatch that permit! call to use ::Array instead, but it seems like there should be a better solution than that. Any thoughts?

For now I've reverted to 3.4.4. since that's the last version before Hashie::Extensions::Array was introduced.

Are you using https://github.com/Maxim-Filimonov/hashie-forbidden_attributes or anything like that? I think the class in which this is executed is a Hashie::... class, so it looks up Array from the Hashie namespace first. It would be interesting to construct/see a repro for this and debug how lookup happens.

Are you wrapping your ActionController::Parameters object in a Hashie::Mash, by chance?

Also, could you share what self is at line 225 in your example? As dB said, a test would be ideal, but that would be a start.

Closing due to lack of information. If you're still seeing this error, please let us know.

i think this is caused by people sometimes doing this on array or hash:

Hash.send :include, Hashie::Extensions