
Mash#disable_warnings with `CannotDisableMashWarnings` guard on base class is annoying

nonnenmacher opened this issue · 3 comments

I read carefully #273, #243, #244

and proposal to simply subclass Mash to avoid this guard code

fail CannotDisableMashWarnings if self == Hashie::Mash

However there so many, commons cases, where subclassing to get access to subclass#disable_warnings is unpractical, PIA or just plain impossible.

let give some examples

  1. inconvenient when using yaml references to get better configuration.


default: &default
   :version: '0.1'

development: &dev
  <<: *default
  :myconfig: ...

lead to

WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method Hashie::Mash#default defined in Hash.

you can tell me, just go to ALL your yml configs and replace your default with a better name (curious what could be your proposal for a better default 'default' name ?)

if using Mash.load(...) in your configuration loading, you have to subclass every instance of such loading code with such config and that a real burden.

  1. PIA then using middleware that indirectly use Mash

e.g using Faraday Mashify middleware, that conveniently Hashify a Response (quite your example), how can you get access to this internal class ?

You're have to ask the middleware developer to have an option, to inject your own 'subclass'.

We have in production, a LOT of logs where we just consider ditching altogether Hashie::Mash for too much load/space... just because of those unavoidable

You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method Hashie::Mash#zip defined in Hash.

for all REST endpoints that are unfortunate enough to deal with ZIP_CODE for Person like entities.

   you can tell me, to change every representation of such response to `zip_code` 
   even on endpoints that aren't in my realm ???


Allowing one, to take responsibility to call at load time something like


would be more nicer, for people in production that can't easily access/subclass/change things that lead to those unavoidable warnings.

Could this be reconsidered ?

I've done some work in #488 that should solve most of your named concerns. It'll allow anonymous inline subclassing of Hashie::Mash using syntax like Hashie::Mash.quiet.new({ your: 'hash' }.

Since it's an inline anonymous subclass, you can also use it for your Mash loading of config files Hashie::Mash.quiet.load(...).

Faraday middleware already supports passing in a custom mash class so once this change is released, you'll be able to do something like.

connection = Faraday.new 'http://example.com/api' do |conn|
  conn.request :oauth2, 'TOKEN'
  conn.request :json

  conn.response :xml,  :content_type => /\bxml$/
  conn.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson$/
  conn.response :mashify, :mash_class => Hashie::Mash.quiet

  conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

The reason we shied away from allowing to disable mash warnings globally is that if a gem does this, it'll affect the consuming application and we do not want that to happen.

@BobbyMcWho sound very nice for me and solve both issues (see comment on #488).

Closed via #488