
check_cassandra_cluster.sh - issue with warning and critical thresholds

box293 opened this issue · 1 comments

# verify warning is less than critical
if [ "$warning " -lt "$critical" ]; then
  echo "-w <warning> $warning must be less than -c <critical> $critical."
  exit 3

There are two problems in the if line:

"$warning "

There should not be a space between g and ".

The comments and echo line indicate that warning must be less than critical. However the if line is testing if warning is less than critical. Instead the test should be if warning is greater than critical.

Those two changes are reflected here:

# verify warning is less than critical
if [ "$warning" -gt "$critical" ]; then
  echo "-w <warning> $warning must be less than -c <critical> $critical."
  exit 3

Thx for checking. The space for the warning has been removed.