
Windows build and launch issues.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

OS: Windows 7 & Windows 10
Clank Version: 1.7.0
Branch: master (latest)

There is an issue with the build.bat build script, the last step is not copying the target/clank-*.jar path to the project's root directory.

An additional issue is even if clank.jar is copied or moved to the project's root directory, when running clank using launch.bat config\mas.json the program starts, prints "Initializing ..." and then terminates without an error message.

I just renamed the jar in the bat to match the filename that build.bat gave me. Added some verbosity to java cmd produces this

Still dunno why it failing. I've seen from other output that "fail to bind message" comes after 'Server starting' which we aren't seeing here.

This has been fixed in 82b30a3.