
Architectures, methods and much more that We use while developing mobile applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Expo Boilerplate

Architectures, methods and much more that We use while developing mobile applications


Boilerplate Features:

  • Routing
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Test
  • Network
  • Theme
  • Local Storage
  • Provider example
  • Notifications
  • Dark Theme Support
  • Multi Language Support
  • Folder Structure
  • TypeScript
  • Eslint
  • Font
  • Splash
  • Code Push
  • Toast Message

Expo Boilerplate Structure

 ├── assets
     ├── animation
     ├── enums
     ├── images
     └── languages
 ├── helpers,  
     ├── global
     ├── localization
     ├── router
     ├── storage
     └── toast
 ├── components
     ├── ErrorComponent
        ├── ErrorComponent.test
        ├── index
	├── style
        └── type	
     ├── GeneralActivityIndicator
     ├── NotFoundComponent
     └── ToastMessage
 ├── hooks
     ├── useTheme
     └── useThemedStyles
 ├── localization
     ├── en
     └── tr
 ├── modules
     └── app
         ├── api
         ├── components
         ├── redux
         ├── screens
         ├── services
         ├── types
         └── utils
     └── profile
         ├── api
         ├── components
         ├── redux
         ├── screens
         ├── services
         ├── types
         └── utils	 
 ├── providers 
     ├── AppLoadingProvider
     ├── ErrorBoundary
     ├── Localization
     ├── NetworkInfoContainer
     ├── Notification
     ├── ThemeListener
     ├── ThemeProvider
     └── Toast
 ├── routers
     ├── BottomNavigation
     └── ProfileStack
 ├── store
     ├── rootReducer
     └── store
 ├── styles
     ├── fonts
     ├── padding
     ├── theme
     ├── toast
     └── typography
 └── utils
     ├── Routes
     └── ScreenOptions


Assets used in the project.
Sample: color, images, svg etc.


Components Folder containing base components in the project.
Sample: ErrorComponent, ToastMessage etc.


Helpers Folder containing base functions in the project.
Sample: storage process, redux management from out of components etc.


Hooks Folder containing base hooks in the project.
Sample: useTheme etc.


Localization Settings.
Sample: tr, en etc.


The Modules is a special folder. It allows you to manage your application more easily by dividing it into modules according to business logic.

Modules have their own files inside;

  • Component (CustomButton, CustomLayout etc.)
  • Screens (HomeScreen, ProfileScreen etc.)
  • Redux (AppSlice, Store etc.)
  • Utils (Helper Function etc. )
  • API (API request, routes)
  • Services


In this way, it provides a simpler and easier development process by searching the codes related to the Module only in that folder.


Providers Folder containing base providers and container in the project.
Sample: ThemeProvider, Localization etc.


Everything about routing.


Store Settings


Base Style Settings
Sample: fonts, padding etc.


Utils Folder containing base utils and container in the project.
Sample: Routes Type, ScreenOptions etc.

Run in Dev Environment

  • Setting up the development environment: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup.
  • Install dependencies: npx expo install ( yarn install or npm install).
  • Run on both Android & iOS: npx expo start (or yarn start).
  • Run on Android: yarn android (or npm run android).
  • Run on iOS: yarn ios (or npm run ios).
  • Run on Test: yarn test (or npm run test).
  • ✨ Don't forget to enable eslint ✨

Code Push

Run Expo Go


Expo Project Link
