
Lazy `State` effect

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Is there a reason why the State effect is strict? I would need one which is lazy, due to keeping in there a data structure which is read from disk and is quite slow to read. It is build with unsafeInterleaveIO. I am building a filesystem so State being strict quite hampers the laziness which I need.

Is there a reason why the State effect is strict?

Yes, it's far too easy to introduce a space leak by accidentally using modify instead of modify' 🙂

I would need one which is lazy

The workaround is quite simple, if you create data Lazy a = Lazy a and then use State (Lazy a) instead of State a, you'll get the desired semantics. How does that sound?

That sounds completely doable :) thanks!

Oh, does it have to be data? I'd guess so, using newtype would erase that indirection at runtime.

Yes, has to be data to create the indirection.

Thanks, I seem to be still having some strictness issues, but I think that's unrelated to effectful, gotta check if Vec from vector is lazy no it is not