
Comment on shebang line does not always parse

TravisCardwell opened this issue · 2 comments

Comments on shebang lines are not portable, as they cause failures on many systems. Here is an example using GNU/Linux:

[tiny-games-hs] hackage$ head -n 1 wordle.hs 
#!/usr/bin/env stack  # gam-10-80-hs-default/wordle (halogenandtoast)
[tiny-games-hs] hackage$ ./wordle.hs 
/usr/bin/env: ‘stack  # gam-10-80-hs-default/wordle (halogenandtoast)’: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/env: use -[v]S to pass options in shebang lines
[tiny-games-hs] hackage$ env --version | head
env (GNU coreutils) 9.1

In my contributions, I put the comments on the main line, as follows:

main = do -- gam-10-80-hs-base/timing (TravisCardwell)

Thanks! This was reported in chat also and I have since moved all comments below line 11.