
"Klára" would be much more of a real Hungarian name than "Kiara"

gergoerdi opened this issue · 5 comments

Erik, Feri, Géza, Imre, and Jenő — and several girls: Hanna, Kiara, Lujza, Maja,

Well, I was kinda going back and forth on this.

On one hand, there is this page: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kl%C3%A1ra

Az 1990-es években a Klára ritka, a Kiara, a Klarisz és a Klarissza szórványos név volt, a 2000-es években a Klára, Klarisz és Klarissza nem szerepel a 100 leggyakoribb női név között, a Kiara 2008-ban a 72. legnépszerűbb volt.

On the other hand, in the most recent years Klára seems to gain popularity.

Anyway, @gergoerdi probably knows better than me, so, if @simonmichael thinks it's worth it, I'd be happy to make another small PR correcting that name.

Added a PR: #34 — if @simonmichael thinks it is OK to do a small change in data after submission, it's here; if not, I'd say "Kiara" would be good enough.

Excellent. Resolved by #34.