

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I just noticed that this library hasn't seen any commits in a while. If you are interested in accepting any help, I could be a co-maintainer of thyme.

bump, i'm interesting in this too.

@winterland1989 Since opening this issue, I've actually written a different performance-oriented time library, chronos. Unlike thyme, it is not focused on being a drop-in replacement for time, so it satisfies a different use case and might not be useful for what you are trying to do.

I did some work on haskell/time#55, time's performance is quite good now. If the patch finally get merged. I'd like to get it working with thyme, but i'm not sure thyme's direction either.

This project has been moved into @haskell-github-trust and should be actively maintained in future. If you're still interested in contributing, after 7 years please do :-)