
Using hie-bios with an local dependency?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to edit the pandoc source code including a local copy of the source code of the pandoc-types repo which is a dependency of the pandoc repo. So I have the following directory:

- src/
- pandoc-types/
-- src/

I have adjusted the pandoc.cabal file and the stack.yaml accordingly and I am able to bild the project with either cabal build or stack build. But I cannot get the hover function to work for the local dependency of pandoc-types. Does the passage about internal libraries refer to local dependencies? Are these generally not supported or are they only not supported when using stack?
How would I have to configure my hie.yaml file in order for the language server to resolve my local dependencies correctly?


Usually that should work, and if hover does not work, I think that is rather an issue of hls. Did you open a file from the pandoc-types dependency and checked if it works within the dependency?