direct cradle: weird errors on static GHC flags
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Direct cradles accept only dynamic GHC flags, static flags are considered targets. Configuration
arguments: ["-Wall", "-O2", "--make"]
$ hie-bios check aaa_bb.hs
[Debug] ghc --print-libdir
[Info] Cradle: Cradle{ cradleRootDir = "/home/lyokha/devel/nginx-haskell-module/haskell/ngx-export-distribution/test-nhm", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Direct}
[Info] invoking build tool to determine build flags (this may take some time depending on the cache)
hie-bios: target ‘--make’ is not a module name or a source file
It is not stated in documentation that only dynamic flags are accepted as flags, so I had to clone the project to find out what happens (in addCmdOpts
IMHO, it seems to make sense to
- Clearly state in documentation that direct cradles accepts dynamic flags only.
- (Probably) Catch static flags in
and warn about them not trying to consider them targets.
Both of these sound like good improvements, and I'd be happy to merge PRs that improve the docs and addCmdOpts
It's look that it's not simple to extract mode options (--make
etc.) as the corresponding parser parseModeFlags
is only available in the GHC Main.hs (see, so the point 1 still survives while point 2 is fading. While it's still possible to catch all option-like arguments (i.e. those starting with a dash) and give it another message (other than not a module name or source file), it has less sense than using existing API.