
Docker support

undernewmanagement opened this issue · 3 comments

I've got a branch on a fork where I've wrapped things up in a Dockerfile.


Currently it only installs the non-development version of requirements.txt

With blessing of admin and community I'm happy to submit pull request for review.

Thank @undernewmanagement , let me check it and create a PR.

Huge commented

Isn't CMD/ENTRYPOINT missing there?

I couldn't find any Dockerfile in this repo, and the fork linked in this ticket is giving me a 404. For my own use, I made one up...

FROM alpine

RUN apk add git python3 py-pip

RUN git clone https://github.com/haskellcamargo/sclack.git \
    && cd sclack \
    && pip3 install -r requirements.txt \
    && chmod +x ./app.py

ENTRYPOINT cd /sclack && ./app.py

and build it

docker build . -t billymoon/sclack

and pushed it

docker push billymoon/sclack:latest

and now I store a config in my host machine's ssh folder which I think is a fairly safe place to keep secrets, and I use this command to fire up sclack

docker run -it -v $HOME/.ssh/.sclack:/root/.sclack billymoon/sclack

It works great, so just thought I would share on this ticket in case it is useful.

Only caveat I have found so far, is that the browser feature would not work, as the running container does not have access to the host machine browser.