DOCUMENTATIONS: Document Create Fine Tune Client Methods & Exceptions
ElbekDeveloper opened this issue · 1 comments
ElbekDeveloper commented
The Ask
Write XML Documentation that pops up when using the method in Visual Studio through intellisense. You should only document the exceptions that the method throws and explanation of exception in their corresponding files. For example:
NOTE: Example is for CompletionsClient
, you should adjust this for AllAIModelsClient
/// <exception cref="CompletionClientValidationException" />
/// <exception cref="CompletionClientDependencyException" />
/// <exception cref="CompletionClientServiceException" />
ValueTask<Completion> PromptCompletionAsync(Completion completion);
/// <summary>
/// This exception is thrown when a validation error occurs while using the completion client.
/// For example, if required data is missing or invalid.
/// </summary>
public class CompletionClientValidationException : Xeption
// code goes here...
NOTE: You cannot start working on this issue until #312 is completed and closed
How to claim this issue?
- Post on this issue a comment that says: "I claim this issue"
- You will be given 24 hours to complete the issue - if no PR is opened within 24 hours someone else will claim it
- If you have an open PR but is inactive for more than 24 hours from the last review comment we will shutdown your PR
Measures of Success
Attach a screenshot of how it is showing the prompt in acceptance test and/or integration test projects where the method was used. Here is an example:
AbbosHaydarov commented
I claim this issue