
Since updating to 8.2.0 the plugin is complaining about a colon in the URL and all dashboards are empty

Fridolin34 opened this issue · 4 comments


Since two years, the grafana plugin worked like a charm. Just after the last update, all dashboards are empty and I get the following error when I test the connection:
"parse "": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon error creating influxDB healthcheck request"
The log of the addon says:
"logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2023-03-08T21:44:34.741509663+01:00 level=error msg="Internal server error" error="[plugin.downstreamError] failed to query data: parse "": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon" remote_addr= traceID="

Expected behavior

Nothing has changed concerning the configuration or the network, so the connection should be possible.

Actual behavior

Nothing is shown anymore

Steps to reproduce

Just take a look at the dashboards.

Proposed changes

(If you have a proposed change, workaround or fix,
describe the rationale behind it)

Hi Fridolin,
check your data source in Grafana. You should get an error with the URL. instead of should fix the problem

@baztuk Thanks a lot for your comment. I've tried that already, but it does not seem to work either. Just the error is different:

"Post "": net/http: invalid header field name "" error performing influxQL query"

had the exact same error and baztuk's advice worked for me

I gave it another try, added the http prefix and removed the custom HTTP headers in the edit data source page. The idea to do this has been discussed here: https://community.grafana.com/t/error-after-update-plugin-and-restart/52267

I never added customer headers manually and I would expect that a migration script would take care of no longer needed or even unhealthy properties, but okay. At least it is working again.