
After upgrading to 0.67.1 debug nodes / inject are greyed out, HA nodes shows no status

cpuks opened this issue · 1 comments


Running latest version of NR within HA as and add-on I decided to upgrade node-red-websocket to latest which is 0.67.1 and after that I've been prompted to upgrade HA nodes and I did but realized that all of my debug nodes and inject nodes are grayed out, nothing displays inside debug window nor any HA node shows connection status. Nodes work as intended, but there's no feedback is provided by Node-Red.
I've enabled heartbeat - set 60 sec and for over 10 min I had no connection drop.

I don't have anything fancy installed and didn't change anything except nr-websocket upgrade - double checked that.

Expected behavior

Proper feedback from NR<->HA connection, debug nodes / inject nodes work as intended, providing data.

Actual behavior

No feedback from NR - debug/inject and no connection status on any of HA nodes.

Steps to reproduce

Latest HA NR addon 18.0.5 - go to palette and upgrade node-red-ha-websocket to 0.67.1, then restart NR.

Proposed changes


Too many windows open - sorry for that - to be issued within node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket