
Only allows manual updates / auto update not working.

RickSanchezC136 opened this issue · 1 comments


Fresh install of proxmox, home assistant supervised and plex add-on.
This is what I see in the updates section of my plex server config.


Expected behavior

I remember updates being automatic, I thought it should give me a one-click type option to update from this spot.

Actual behavior

It only seems to give the option to update plex manually.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install proxmox on new hardware
  2. Create VM and install Home Assistant supervised OS
  3. Install Plex add-on
  4. Login to plex web ui, goto settings, find the update section

Proposed changes

Not sure what's wrong so I can't suggest what should be changed.

Nothing is wrong, this addon pins the version of Plex, and it's a bit behind right now.