
Doesn't open after last update (V:3.1.1)

emre299 opened this issue · 5 comments

Plex, which I have been using for 1 year without any errors, is not working after the update I just made. Even if I restore the backup, plex doesn't work.

I can't get log file.
No changes HA other than Plex update.
What can I do to fix it?

Port 1900 is already in use, that is not an add-on issue.

Please free up port 1900 or disable it in the add-on network configuration by emptying the field.

As the add-on isn't started yet, nothing of this is in control of the add-on.


ok but it wasn't happening before and how do i fix it?
Can you help me?

I already answered what to do above. Again, this is not related to the addon or addon uograde, but related to your system that you manage.


Hello again, this port is empty. Still plex gives the same error and won't turn on. I can't use my favorite plex.

You are scanning TCP ports...