
Datasource time field is not available

tuapuikia opened this issue ยท 5 comments

When I use elasticsearch as data source. I get following error,

hastic-server-0 hastic-server LEARNING started for xxxx
hastic-server-0 hastic-server query time range: from Fri Mar 06 2020 07:59:26 GMT+0000 (UTC) to Fri Mar 06 2020 08:59:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
hastic-server-0 hastic-server Error: datasource time field not found
hastic-server-0 hastic-server at /var/www/server/dist/server.js:9:165359
hastic-server-0 hastic-server at Generator.next ()
hastic-server-0 hastic-server at s (/var/www/server/dist/server.js:9:160447)
hastic-server-0 hastic-server at

Hey @tuapuikia

What ElasticSearch version are you using?

Please attach screenshot of your metric with "Hastic Info" tab opened, like this:
You can blur sensitive info out if it's necessary

My Elasticsearch version is 7.6.0. fixed the screenshot.


It works if i'm using average data instead of count data. I convert some of my data in ES to integer to resolve this.

@tuapuikia good research!
would you share your original and fixed query to elastic? That would help.