
This repo documents Adafruit's BLE APIs including the unique ids used in them.


Please provide feedback via issues or PRs but do not build other things to these protocols yet.

Adafruit Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Protocols

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a low-power wireless energy protocol. Adafruit provides sample code and apps to work over BLE. This repo documents the BLE protocols used by this sample code and apps.


Assigned Names

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG for short) administers identifiers used in the protocol by individual companies.

Adafruit's Service UUID is 0xfebb. (Confirm here) It is currently unused.

Adafruit's Company ID is 0x0822. (Confirm here) It is used in the manufacturer data field in advertisments. More info below.


Adafruit's 128-bit Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) all share a base UUID. This saves memory in some BLE stacks because the base UUID is deduplicated.

Adafruit's base UUID is ADAFxxxx-C332-42A8-93BD-25E905756CB8 where the four xxxx are replaced with the 16-bit IDs used below.



Bluefruit Service

This is the first-gen Adafruit service that packs sensor data and commands into a Nordic UART Service.

Sensor Services

Starting with the CircuitPlayground Bluefruit, sensor data is made available via Services to be read and configured by external devices over a dedicated connection using a standard firmware which is an Arduino sketch.

These services share two common characteristics:

Measurement Period - 0x0001 Stores the number of milliseconds between measurements as a signed 32-bit int. -1 stops a measurement and 0 indicates as fast as possible. Both readable and writable.

Service Version - 0x0002 Readable uint32 version number. Assume 1 if the characteristic is missing.

The third characteristic is specific to the data being sensed. It is always readable and notifiable. The table below includes the 16-bit UUID (combined with the base ID above) and a description of the data format including units. This table mirrors the measurement types used in CircuitPython drivers as defined here.

Property name Python type Units
acceleration (float, float, float) x, y, z meter per second per second
magnetic (float, float, float) x, y, z micro-Tesla (uT)
orientation (float, float, float) x, y, z degrees
gyro (float, float, float) x, y, z radians per second
temperature float degrees centigrade
eCO2 float equivalent CO2 in ppm
TVOC float Total Volatile Organic Compounds in ppb
distance float centimeters
light float non-unit-specific light levels (should be monotonic but is not lux)
lux float SI lux
pressure float hectopascal (hPa)
relative_humidity float percent
current float milliamps (mA)
voltage float volts (V)
color int RGB, eight bits per channel (0xff0000 is red)
alarm (time.struct, str) Sample alarm time and string to characterize frequency such as "hourly"
datetime time.struct date and time
duty_cycle int 16-bit PWM duty cycle (regardless of output resolution)
frequency int Hertz
value bool Digital logic
value int 16-bit Analog value, unit-less
weight float grams (g)

Temperature Service - 0x0100

  • Temperature - 0x0101 Reads the current temperature in degrees Celsius as a 32-bit float. Both readable and notifiable.

Accelerometer Service - 0x0200

  • Acceleration - 0x0201 Reads the x, y, and z acceleration values in meters per second squared as 3 signed 32-bit floats. Both readable and notifiable.

Light Sensor Service - 0x0300

  • Light Level - 0x0301 Reads the current light level as a 32-bit float. Both readable and notifiable.

Gyroscope Service - 0x0400

  • Gyro - 0x0401 Reads the x, y, and z values in radians as 3 signed 32-bit floats. Both readable and notifiable.

Magnetometer Service - 0x0500

  • Magnetic - 0x0501 Reads the x, y, and z values in micro-Tesla (uT) as 3 signed 32-bit floats. Both readable and notifiable.

Board Button Service - 0x0600

  • Pressed - 0x0601 Reads the state of the buttons and switches as an unsigned 32-bit int.
    • bit 0 is the slide switch with 1 representing left and 0 representing right.
    • bit 1 is button A with 1 representing a pressed state.
    • bit 2 is button B with 1 representing a pressed state. Other bits available for future buttons. Both readable and notifiable.

Humidity Sensor Service - 0x0700

  • Humid - 0x0701 Reads the relative humidity in percentage as a 32-bit float. Both readable and notifiable.

Barometric Pressure Sensor Service - 0x0800

  • Pressure - 0x0801 Reads the barometric pressure in hectoPascal (hPa) as a 32-bit float. Both readable and notifiable.

Addressable Pixel Service - 0x0900

General service for any kind of addressable pixels, including WS2812 (NeoPixel), WS2801, APA102 (DotStar), etc. It is the client’s responsibility to know the number of colors, color order, etc. and to fill the buffer appropriately. The server is only concerned with the electrical protocol.

  • Pixel Pin - 0x0901 Stores the pin to send data out on as an unsigned 8-bit int. Both readable and writable.

  • Pixel Pin Type - 0x0902 Stores the type of pin to send data out on as an unsigned 8-bit int. 0 represents a WS2812 (NeoPixel) running at 800Hz and 1 represents SPI-based APA201 (DotStar). More protocols to be added in the future. Both readable and writable.

  • Pixel Data - 0x0903 Writable-only variable length data that represents the pixel data.

    • First part is an unsigned 16-bit int that represents the byte-index (not pixel-index) for where to start writing data into the buffer.
    • Second part is an unsigned 8-bit integer that represents the flags.
      • bit 0 is when to write the data with 1 representing to immediately write to pixels and 0 representing to not write pixel data yet.
    • Third part is the raw pixel data itself. This is a string of unsigned 8-bit ints with each byte representing the red, green, and blue components of each addressable LED. The proper color order depends on the pixels themselves.
  • Pixel Buffer Size - 0x0904 Stores the buffer size in bytes needed to hold data for entire pixel string as an unsigned 16-bit int. Both readable and writable.