
Non-latin alphabets

leilaz opened this issue · 3 comments

From Alexmar983 (and I have experienced this issue in the past as well):

The tool does not import decently namefile in Arabic or Greek on xls, in some countries I have a problem to understand the finalist... i have to ask the jurors what they vote to be sure.

Just to confirm, is this a problem with importing files or exporting votes?

at the time of exporting.

The exported files are csv. It looks like excel recognizes these in the wrong encoding, and that is producing this bad user experience.

It looks like adding a BOM can help excel recognize the file as UTF-8. It seems this may fix it, but I have not been able to test it.

There is an example here that suggests how to add a BOM to the csvwriter. I'll submit a PR, but haven't properly set up the platform to test locally.