
Unable to run Montage in Firefox

MichaelNMaggs opened this issue · 6 comments

On clicking the link 'Log in using Wikimedia account', Firefox throws the error message:

Internal server error

_<ExceptionInfo [AttributeError: 'JSONCookie' object has no attribute 'set_expires'] (27 frames, last=Callpoint('complete_login', 162, 'montage.public_endpoints', './montage/public_endpoints.py', 121, ' cookie.set_expires()'))>

Error type: http://docs.python.org/2/library/exceptions.html#exceptions.AttributeError_

Same result on several machines. Firefox 62.0.3 for Mac.

Does it work now?

I've upgraded to clastic 0.50, which includes a stale cookie fix that may be related to your issue. Let me know if it's still problem.

No longer see that error, but instead when I click on 'Log in using Wikimedia account', Firefox simply reloads the same 'Please log in' page.

Works fine here on:

  • Firefox 63.0b12 win64
  • Firefox 62.0 linux64 (ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS)

Mac results:

  • Now working: Firefox 62.0.3 Sierra 10.12.6
  • Reloads login page: Firefox 62.0.3 Mojave 10.14

A year later, and Firefox 69.0 on Mac is working fine.

Seems fixed, closing.