
Browser not Supported

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Montage is not working in Firefox, Brave, Microsoft Edge. Only header strip with MONTAGE is showing.

Hmm, that doesn't sound good, thanks for reporting. Now, Firefox is my primary browser, and I'm seeing Montage work fine, I just checked here: https://tools.wmflabs.org/montage/#/

I expect it to work fine on Brave as well, can't promise on IE, depending on version.

So, on which URL are you seeing this behavior, have you tried clearing caches, and logging out (in the header) and back in again?

If none of that works, can you pop open the dev tools and see if you're getting any error responses?

It's working fine in all these browsers. You should just wait for some time until the rest of the page is loaded and make sure that your internet connection is fast enough.

I am trying to browse
but its not opening. I have waited for half an hour. I think it should be redirected to login page or display some error message.

I checked by browsing https://tools.wmflabs.org/montage/#/
it worked.

Yes, it does not work when you are not logged in, and it should probably display some message instead of being silent.