
ca.wikipedia.org, please

quimgil opened this issue · 7 comments

Amazing product, but seeing where does it come from why am I not surprised? :)

Anyway, a Catalan version will be really appreciated.

Thanks! I added a Catalan list: http://eepurl.com/M7HU9

Thank you! However, it doesn't seem to work:

The WEEKLYPEDIA: Issue 2, Jan 31, 2014 (English Wikipedia Edition)

Hello there, welcome to our first weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.

=== Articles ===
This week, 484 authors made 24038 contributions to 15124 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

=== Discussions ===
The most active discussions:

See the empty listings. Also the reference to "(English Wikipedia Edition)". The numbers might correspond to ca.wiki.

Ah, yeah, Stephen just told me that Catalan had an issue with plaintext (maybe with encodings or somesuch), he'll have more details for you later. Still definitely in the Beta phase ;D

Other users have received it: https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viquip%C3%A8dia:La_taverna/Novetats#Weeklypedia_en_catal.C3.A0.21

I subscribed to plaintext, while they might be receiving it in HTML. I see. I will ask them to be sure. Thank you for this excellent tool! I hope it becomes very useful to get new potential contributors closer to their registration and first edits.

Alright, I guess I must subscribe to the HTML version. I haven't received any email apart from the first, empty one.

... or maybe there is more, now that I read "Next issue: January 31, 2014 (Volume 2)". http://weekly.hatnote.com/